Measure J
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Updating Aging Classrooms and Facilities in Our School
Faced with aging classrooms and the need to bring school facilities up to current standards, the Sunol Glen Unified School District (SGUSD) has placed Measure J, a general obligation bond measure, on the upcoming November 2022 ballot that will modernize and renovate Sunol Glen Elementary School. This section of the District's website is provided to assist voters in understanding the facts behind Measure J and how its passage will affect the District and our community. Measure J is a $10.9 million general obligation (G.O.) bond program. This measure is intended to address the needs of the student population through modernization and renovation projects at Sunol Glen Elementary School, located at 11601 Main Street, Sunol.
Aging Classrooms and School Facilities: A brief project description
Although well maintained over the years, Sunol Glen School is old, having first been built over 95 years ago with major additions in the 1950s and 1990s. Our school needs significant classroom, facilities, and infrastructure improvements to maintain the quality of education provided to students. Leaky roofs, aging infrastructure, inadequate electrical systems, aging plumbing and sewer systems, modernize and upgrade aging classrooms and restrooms, make handicapped accessibility improvements per ADA, make energy efficient improvements including windows, lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, upgrade and renovate the cafeteria/multi-purpose room for school and community use, and preserve and renovate the historic, main school building which was constructed in 1925.
Current Opportunities: Doing Business With Us
Multi-Purpose Building Re-Roofing Project
Temporary Classrooms
Bid No. 01-23
Bid Package Due On or Before
December 13, 2023 at 9pm